Connor McGwire
> Software Engineer

Skill Set

Real-time, Networked, Multi-Threaded, Data Management, DevOps, Web Dev, Testing
C#, C/C++, JavaScript, Bash Scripting, Java, SQL, Python, HTML, CSS, Go, Rust
Linux, Windows, Git, Unity, Unreal, Jenkins, Camel, Spring, .NET, React, Vue, Svelte
Linear Algebra, Calculus

Professional Background

Designing and implementing a Unity Engine based video game from the ground up. Responsible for programming, design, and art.

Architecting the game's unique systems for data management, UI/UX, animation, physics, and event handling.

Configuring deployment tooling and creating promotional material for release on Steam, the leading PC games digital storefront.

Steam Page

Programmed test software and managed test hardware configurations for the next generation of an existing missile system.

Built and maintained Java based financial messaging systems.

Designed the software team's release workflow including configuring, documenting, and maintaining our tooling. Then lead training efforts for the rest of my team and others.

Participated in technical support for production applications.

Taught the fundamentals of programming to kids in elementary and middle school. Modified curriculum to best fit the specific needs of the students and wrote new curriculum to share with my peers.


Conducted credited, independent research into CUDA based General Purpose GPU programming and helped build introductory curriculum for a graduate course on High Performance Computing.

Worked with the EYE Center for Children's Vision Learning & Technology to develop Android applications for use in further research.

Dean’s List – Winter 2014; Academic Excellence Award – Spring 2014

Helped found the school’s Algorithms Club which gave students an opportunity to improve their programming skills with real world projects that could help the rest of the school.


An attempt at making an updated, PC version of the "Hidden In Plain Sight" XBLA title.

Progressively working on a comprehensive RPG ruleset along with a companion webapp that contains the rules and helpful tools usable from mobile and desktop.

The framework for a local multiplayer visual novel I built which turned into an exercise on workflow tooling as I tried to onboard a non-programmer friend onto the project.

Prototyped a combat system for a small RPG. The game side of the project was eventually shelved for being too large of an undertaking for the time and resources I had then. However, the story concept I wrote for it evolved into my first published novel.

A project I started in my freetime to learn about working with animated characters in Unreal.

Part of an idea I had for a competitive point & click adventure game, but more so my first forray into network programming for games.

A game developed alongside classmates for a college course on the subject. More than just the technical side of creating a game, the instructors focused on putting us through the professional production process with formal concept documents, pitching sessions, user testing, and the like. Being voted top game of the class was a nice bonus.